Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter

  Chemistry Software Download

Procedure for using the Celsius to Fahrenheit converter in CHEMIX School

  1. Start CHEMIX School
  2. Activate the converter by clicking the Conversions push button
  3. Insert a value in the Celsius unit edit field (temperature category - Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit)
  4. Press Return on the keyboard

Picture (screen shot) from CHEMIX School Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter

Unit converter calculator

When pressing the return button on the keyboard (4) , conversions between different temperature units will be calculated simultaniously and viewed in the units text fields of the selected category.

There is more to CHEMIX School than a temperature conversions between Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin. As you can see from screen shot from the CHEMIX program (above), the converter allow unit conversions limited to following categories: Temperature, pressure-stess-force/area, energy-heat-work, power, force-weight, lenght and mass.

How to download the CHEMIX School program

You can download CHEMIX School - Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter by clicking the download link at the top of this page - Try it.

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