Data Acquisition Logger -
User Guide
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The Data Acquisition Logger (DAQ) is a powerful tool for
plotting x, y data in real time from an incoming
RS-232 data source. This manual will guide you on how to use the
program, including setting up your connection, logging data, and
configuring advanced features such as conditional logging and
alerts.The Serial Data Logger provides flexible real-time data
logging options, from simple continuous data collection to
advanced conditional logging with visual and audio alerts. Follow
this guide to set up and configure your logger for optimal
Fig. CHEMIX School Data
Acquisition Logger Check Serial
Data Logger to Activate the Data Acquisition
Section (here framed by red color) of the Plotter.
Getting Started
Step 1: Enabling the Data Logger
- Enable the Data Logger: Check the "Serial
Data Logger" box.
- Select Communication Port: Click the button
with two green arrows (located on the right side) to check
available communication (COM) ports.
- Select COM Port and Baud Rate: Use the
drop-down lists to select the correct COM port and baud rate for
your RS-232 connection.
- Baud rate options range from 300 to 115200,
with a default of 9600.
Step 2: Starting Data Acquisition
- Press "Start Data Acquisition": This will
start the data logging process, capturing incoming RS-232 data
for plotting in real-time.
Logging Options
Standard Logging
- Logging Acquisition Options: You have two
main options:
- Replace old points after: In this mode,
older points will be replaced once a certain number of data
points are logged. You can select the maximum number of
points to log (up to 1000) by entering the
value in the editable field located on the
center-left side.
- Stop after: In this mode, data logging
will automatically stop after the selected number of points
(max 1000) has been logged. Enter the
value in the editable field located on the
center-right side.
Advanced Logging (Conditional Statements)
To access advanced logging features, check the Advanced
Logging checkbox.
Conditional Statements:
- No Condition (Off): Disables conditional
- Log if |Yi - Y(i-1)| ≥ |c|: Logs data
only if the absolute value of the difference between
consecutive Y-values (Yi - Y(i-1)) is greater than or equal
to a specified value c.
- Log if Y ≠ c: Logs data if the Y-value
does not match the specified c value.
- Stop if Y ≥ c: Stops logging if the
Y-value is greater than or equal to c.
- Stop if Y ≤ c: Stops logging if the
Y-value is less than or equal to c.
- Red Alert if Y ≥ c: Triggers a red alert
background on the plot area if the Y-value is greater than
or equal to c.
- Red Alert if Y ≤ c: Triggers a red alert
background on the plot area if the Y-value is less than or
equal to c.
Setting the c-value: Use the edit
field located below the 'Clear c' button to input
the value of c. The 'Clear c' button will
reset this value.
Deactivate Alert if Conditions Fail: Check
this option to deactivate the alert if the conditional
statement is no longer true.
Additional Controls
- Selected Parameter: This option allows you to
select the Y-parameter for logging. The default is set to 2
(usually representing temperature).
- Logging Interval: Set the logging interval in
seconds using the Interval Text Field.
- Clear Data Button: Press this button to clear
all the data in the X, Y data fields.
- Set Limits: Enter the Y-Max
and Y-Min values for your plot in the provided
text fields and press the Set Limits button to
apply the limits.
Data Logging Methods
1. Standard Logging (No Advanced Logging)
This method requires the microcontroller to send both X
(time) and Y (e.g., temperature) values. The
data logger will read and log all available data every second.
Example for Arduino (Standard Logging):
Serial.print(" ");
2. Advanced Logging (Checked)
In advanced logging, the microcontroller only needs to provide
the Y data (e.g., temperature). The data logger
will automatically generate the X value (time).
- When using Arduino, always ensure the data set ends with
or a \r\n
- The Selected Parameter should be set to 2
for temperature logging.
Red Alert Feature and Audio Alert
- Red Alert: If the conditional statements
related to Y-value thresholds are met, a red alert background
will appear in the plot area.
- Audio Alert: From the menu bar, go to
-> Setup -> Data Logger
to configure the audio
alert settings.
- Turn off Audio Alert: Set "Repeat Audio
Alert" to 0 to disable the sound.
Troubleshooting Common Problems
- Incorrect COM Port: Make sure the correct COM
port is selected.
- COM Port Conflicts: Ensure the COM port is
not being used by another application.
- Arduino Data Issues: Ensure the parameter
string from the Arduino ends with
Bluetooth Issues:
- Bluetooth Not Working: Ensure the Bluetooth
on the computer is enabled and paired with the device.
- Low Power: Check the Bluetooth device's
- Out of Range: Ensure the device is within
range of the computer.
Serial Port Configuration
- Baud Rate: 300 (Min) to 115200 (Max), default
is 9600.
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Flow Control: Enables the DTR
line when the device is opened and keeps it on.
Help Button
- For additional help, click the Help button
in the Data Logger interface to access a comprehensive guide.
Related topics:
Fit - Function Plot
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