Gaussmeter Calibration

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The Gaussmeter Calibration Tool is designed to assist in calibrating a gaussmeter using a single-layer solenoid with known dimensions and wire properties. By sending a known and constant current through the solenoid, a uniform magnetic field is created at the solenoid's midpoint, which is ideal for calibration. A single-layer solenoid is preferred over a multi-layer solenoid for accurate Gaussmeter Calibration due to its superior uniformity of the magnetic field at the center, which is essential for precision.

The Gaussmeter Calibration section consists of an upper part (input) and a lower part (output) consisting of gray fields. To perform a valid calculation, all fields in the upper part must be filled with numbers. In the Diameter-frame, multiple horizontal input options are provided, enter a number in only one of these fields; the others will auto-fill. Once all fields in the upper part are completed, any changes will automatically trigger a recalculation of the output parameters displayed in the lower part of the Gaussmeter Calibration section.

Overview - Magnetism and Magnets - Tools & Calculators

The window is divided into several sections, each dedicated to specific functions:

  1. Gaussmeter Calibration: Located on the center-upper left side, this section allows you to calibrate Gaussmeters using solenoid configurations.

  2. Magnetic Field Strength Calculator: Located on the lower part of the left side, this section allows you to work with cylindrical magnets and calculate their grade (magnetic strength).

  3. Experiment Management: Located on the right side, this section allows you to manage and save your experiments.

Fig. CHEMIX School - Gaussmeter Calibration Tool and a Magnetic Field Strength Calculator

gaussmeter calibration magnetic field strength calculator
        magnet steel pull force calculator

 Gaussmeters Calibration

Arduino Gaussmeter Specifications

Surface To Hall Sensor Distance A1302

Using a Solenoid for Gaussmeter Calibration

Single Layer Solenoid Cross Sectional View                                     Relative Magnetic Field Strength and Gradient Due To a
        Current In a Solenoid

Drop-down Lists:


How to Input data in the Gaussmeter Calibration section:

The calibration tool will try to calculate all keyboard inputs automatically after a key-press. A certain amount of valid parameter-values is needed to correctly return an output. 

Illegal or possible erroneous parameter values:

In an illegal calculation, a red NOTE will appear between the input and output fields.

Coil Input Parameters:

Note: It is possible to manually adjust the resistance in the wire by altering the value in the (Ohm/km)-field.

Coil Output Parameters:

Gaussmeter Calibration - Experimental Images - Coil Measured at PSU Terminals

Fig. Power Supply Settings                                                                         Temperature measurement during the experiment
Preparing the Experiment Voltage and Current Settings  Voltage Drop
        Under Load

. A1302 Hall Effect Sensor placed in the center of the coil.
Solenoid Magnetic Field Measurement

Things to Consider before, during, and after the Experiment

DC Power Supply Requirements:

Pre-Experiment Preparation:

  1. Check Wire Specifications:
  2. Temperature Monitoring:

Wire Temperature Estimation Method:

  1. Power Measurement:
  2. Power Dissipation Matching:

Sources of Error in the Power Dissipation Calculation:

  1. Total Wiring Resistance:
  2. Impact of Coil Wire Thickness on the PSU's Power-Meter reading:

Example of Power Supply Internal Resistance Measured at Terminals

Power Supply Internal Resistance Measured at Terminals

Power Dissipation - Error Sources:

  1. Optimal Coil Wire Thickness:

Experiment Management

The section on right side of the window allows you to paste and store clipboard-data or otherwise manage your experiments.
When saving, all the parametric data will be saved along with the text content in the large edit field. By naming and saving the experiment, all the parameters in the Gaussmeter, Cylindrical Magnet, and Pull Force sections will be stored. You can retrieve them later by double-clicking the corresponding list box element


Magnetic Field Strength Calculator

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