Molarity Calculations

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Molarity - a common chemical measurement unit  in which represent the number of moles of solute in 1dm3 of a solution - it's a measure of concentration. Molality is represented by an upper case 'M'  (2.5M KCl)

Molarity Calculations

Molarity Example 1:  If one mole of potassium chloride (74.55g/mole) is dissolved in 1dm3 of solution, the result is a one molar solution of potassium chloride.

Molarity Example 2:  If half a mole of potassium chloride is dissolved in 1dm3 of solution, the result is a 0.5 molar solution of potassium chloride.

Molarity Example 3:  If 0.217 mole of potassium chloride is dissolved in 5dm3 of solution, the result is a (0.217mole)/5dm3 = 0.0437 molar solution of potassium chloride.

Molarity Example 4:  If 105.45 grams of potassium chloride (74.55g/mole) is dissolved in 2dm3 of solution, the result is (105.45g/(74.55g/mole))/2dm3 = 0.707 molar solution of potassium chloride.

NOTE: Water is added to the volumetric flask up to the one liter line.

CHEMIX solution - Molarity Calculations - Example 4

In Molecular Calculator insert  105.45gKCl  in the formula text field and Calculate. Then divide the resulting mole amount in Calculated values by two (2dm3).

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