Unit Conversions

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The CHEMIX units converter allow unit conversions between most common units. It is easy in use and a valuable tool for students and professionals. Six categories of units are presented in the unit converter. Categories Following units categories exist:
1) Temperature
2) Pressure Stress-Force/Area
3) Energy-Heat-Work
4) Power
5) Force-Weight
6) Length
7) Mass
NOTE:The first text field (upper left) in each category is the SI unit field.

CHEMIX School - Unit conversions

Unit converter

Converting units

Enter the value to be converted in a proper text field and press the Enter key on the keyboard. Converted unit values will then appear in all the remaining (and previous empty) text fields for the selected category.

Conversion Calculator
Celsius To Fahrenheit Converter
Metric System Converter
Temperature Conversion Chart

Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula
Centigrade Fahrenheit conversion table
bar conversion to psi table

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